Story Levels


Where to find: Elevation or Section settings.

Use this to: Automatically generate story levels in sections and elevations. You can set to display, display & output (print) or not to show them at all per section or elevation.


TIPIn the story settings (COMMAND + 7) you can check or uncheck Stories to be included in these dimensions. Always check this to make sure unwanted Stories do not display in your elevation / sections.


Story Settings

Where to find: COMMAND + 7

Use this to: Set up stories (preferably at the start) of a project.


TIPWhen adding stories the “height to next” is calculated by the current default wall height plus the current default slab thickness.

1. Setting this correctly before you add stories saves you adjusting them individually afterwards.

2. Modify levels easier and more intuitively in section or elevation. Design>Edit Story Levels


Set story levels

The easiest way to adjust story levels is not through the Story Settings (COMMAND + 7).


Follow these steps instead:

1. Open any section or elevation. Ensure Story Levels are displayed in the Section or Elevation Settings.

2. Check the section or elevation settings to ensure story levels are displayed.

3. Regenerate if necessary.

4. Right click on a story level line>Edit story levels.

5. Choose (in order of appearance):

(image on right)

Edit Single Story Level

Edit Selected Story Level and all below

Edit Selected Story Level and all above

Edit all Story Levels

6. Click the level to be adjusted (note the tick at the cursor).

7. Type the Z coordinate for the new level.


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