Synology file server access problems on macOS 14 – Sonoma

It seems that macOS 14 (up to at least macOS 14.5) – Sonoma, has a bug preventing users from accessing Synology file servers.

It seems this is caused by a malformed Keychain entry, created when your password changes or is entered incorrectly.

Hot to fix this - temporarily...


  1. disconnect from WiFi and connect via Ethernet;
  2. open… /Applications/Utilities/Keychain (please do not choose open  Password in System Settings, but continue in Keychain Access)
  3. on the left under Default Keychains, select ‘login’
  4. in the search filed at the top right of the Keychain Access app, search for either your servers FQDN or IP address, e.g. or 172.2x.xx.xx
  5. select and delete any entry that matches this search;
  6. next restart your Mac;
  7. log back in to your user account and try to reconnect to your file server;

Please note you may have to repeat the above whenever your password changes.

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