Sections and Elevations Basics


Sections and Elevations in Archicad are taken directly off the 3D Model and are by default updated automatically, i.e. any change in the 2D or 3D Windows will be automatically reflected in all Sections and Elevations.

They are created with a special Tool, accessed from Toolbox > Document, by identifying a Section or Elevation Line followed by placement of a marker in the 2D Window. Like all other Elements they can be easily adjusted before or after placement and are highly customisable via their Settings Window.

The difference between an Elevation and a Section marker is minimal. The main difference being that an elevation marker can not have a zero depth and also can not be staggered, whereas a section marker can.


How to set up Elevations

Where to find: Toolbox or Document > Documenting Tools > Elevation

Use this to: Place an Elevation Marker.


Ideally, check the marker’s settings before you place it.  Pay specific attention to the following:

1. Type: Which type of marker you are placing and its subsequent Reference ID and Name. Typically You would place a “Source Marker”, which you would link to the first placed drawing of the viewpoint. This means that the text in the marker head will display the drawing number of the layout sheet the elevation is placed on automatically once it has been placed

2. Status: Manual Rebuild-model.. Typically, having control over when a drawing updates is recommended. Having this on manual also results in less time waiting for a drawing to open as it doesn’t need to be rebuilt first.

3. Range:  Unless you specifically want to hide part of your model from the generated elevation, keep the Horizontal Range on infinite.


TIPIn order to adjust the the range of the marker you need to display it. 
Go View>On-Screen View Options>Marker Range.


Adjusting the Vertical Range can be useful should you wish to limit your drawing to only a portion of your model. That could be a detail of a facade, or simply a view that limits the full extent of your ground mesh. (This is more a practical setting than adjusting the drawing frame of a drawing placed on a layout, which in essence, would achieve the same result). Zoom extents would in this case, capture less of the modelled info, and negate the need to resize the drawing frame of drawings placed on a layout.


INFO > Keeping the entered dimensions relative to Project Zero is the safest choice, as the Level is unlikely to change when you adjust storey heights.

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