For a long time Graphisoft’s Archicad had the same icon for different versions, making it difficult to visually distinguish which version a file was opened in. To solve this annoying problem, in 2009 the macinteract team crafted our own icon set and made it publicly available – for a graphical history or as inspiration, please […]
In addition to using strong passwords we strongly encourage you to enable two-factor authentication wherever you can. Please find below some links to instructions for various social media and email platforms: Discord > Facebook > Google > Instagram > LinkedIn > Microsoft > Slack > Snapchat > […]
Main principles The Smart Document Transmittal is an object that reads data from text files exported from Archicad files. It organises the data into a graphic document transmittal that is placed as object on a Layout. Conditions To allow the object to organise the data the following conditions must be met: The Archicad Revision management […]
Step 1 Shut down, and unplug all of the cables from the iMac, including the power cable. Step 2 Place a few towels on a flat surface. Make sure the towels are thick enough and cover a large enough area to accommodate the 27-inch display. Step 3 Gently place the iMac down on the towels, […]
As more and more ISP’s (e.g. ozemail and iinet) are giving up on their free email offering, we find that the transition instructions to e.g. the Mailing Company areseverly lacking. Thus please find below our tips and notes… Locating the Project Survey Points and Project Origins Phasellus sollicitudin arcu et tempor tincidunt. Aenean luctus euismod […]
We have noticed that in recent versions of Archicad, sometimes Doors display with a homogeneous surface that can not be changed by any of the Door Settings. Most likely the solution to your problem is that the affected Door object(s) have a Model Surface override applied. Unfortunately, this feature has been hidden in the latest […]
If for some reason you can not start a virtual machine in VMware Fusion and it instead throws the following error message about a missing .vmx file at you, here is what you can try to get it going again. Open VMware FUSION, then go to File > New and in the opening window click […]
ADVICE UPDATE 2024 > Unfortuantely MagicPrefs has been discontinued, however for a small fee you can get Middle Click instead. Although the magic mouse has solved the problem with the far too easily clogged up trackball on its predecessor, by simply doing away with this ‘3rd button’ it has created another major problem: How can you […]
You can use your keyboard to quickly accomplish many tasks in mail, here are the ones we find the most useful: Create new compose window Command-N Open Activity Viewer Command-0 (zero) Add senders to Address Book Command-Y Attach file to message Command-Shift-A Increase quote level Command-‘ (single quote) Decrease quote level Command-Option-‘ (single quote) Send […]
Following up on our review of the OCULUS QUEST in Architecture, please find below an overview over our existing setup to get models into our QUEST via PROSPECT by IRIS VR. Base Setup 1 x OCULUS Quest @ AUD 630 each incl. GST1 x IRIS VR Prospect @ approx. AUD 440 pa (yearly subscription) per […]
For a successful remote server connection via VPN, your home internet router must use a different IP address range to your office network setup.For example, if the office router IP address is, your home router IP address cannot be 192.168.0.x To check please do the following: Step 1 When connected to your home internet, […]
UPDATED 12/06/2020 > updated with latest info & process To the uninitiated trying to match the font size in Archicad to font size used in a document generated in another application, e.g. design reports may cause a major headache. Read on if you ever wondered how to get this right… Background (go straight to PROCESS […]
It seems that macOS 14 (up to at least macOS 14.5) – Sonoma, has a bug preventing users from accessing Synology file servers. It seems this is caused by a malformed Keychain entry, created when your password changes or is entered incorrectly. Hot to fix this – temporarily… disconnect from WiFi and connect via […]
Finally we have found some VR hardware that we think is suited to architectural offices – the Oculus Quest. You might rightfully wonder why we have been waiting for so long to jump onto the VR train? It is simple really, we have seen a many expensive VR systems come and go and were not […]
ADVICE UPDATE 22/06/2020 > updated with best cybersecurity practices. Best practice approach to cybersecurity Since any defence mechanism is only as strong as its weakest link (typically the human involved), we recommend everyone to follow the below principles: DO NOT click on links or download attachments from people:– you DO NOT knowand/or– you are NOT currently […]
Please enjoy our alternative / replacement icons for Archicad 26. As usual all icons are available for free and in full Retina Display glory… Click here to download. To install, simply replace the original Archicad logo in: macOS… Applications/GRAPHISOFT/Archicad 26/Archicad Please note the above was also posted on AC-talk.
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