Organisational Structure Summary

By now you should have a good understanding of the Archicad project structure and how it operates.


The Logic:

1. Project Map is an organised tree structure of the Viewpoints of your Virtual Building Model. All Viewpoints are listed here. The filters and view settings applied to the Project Map items are displayed only temporary.

2. View Map is an organised tree structure of Views. Views are Viewpoints (items of the Project Map) recorded with all relevant filters and view settings and filed in the View Map tree folder structure.

3. Layout Book is an organised tree structure of Layouts. Layouts are virtual sheets of paper where you place the Views, usually accompanied by a Title Block and at times enhanced with additional graphic/2d elements.

4. Publisher is an organised structure of Publisher Sets, which are collections of Publisher items. Each Publisher item refers directly to a View or Layout. Publisher automates issuing/publishing documents from Archicad.



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